New Small Business Advice and Financial Guidance Program opens – Premier of Tasmania


27 September 2021

Jane Howlett, Minister for Small Business

The Tasmanian Liberal Government understands the significant impact COVID-19 has had on many of our small businesses and has recognised a need for them to have access to specialist advice to assist with their recovery.

That is why I am pleased to announce that applications for the $1.2 million COVID-19 Small Business Advice and Financial Guidance Program opened today.

This new program aims to provide eligible small businesses with access to specialist financial and other business advice services to assist businesses recover, transition, grow or implement other strategies to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eligible applicants will receive a grant of between $750 to $1,500 to obtain financial or other business guidance services including:

  • Advice, support or counselling to address financial or operational difficulties being experienced by the business;
  • The development of risk management strategies;
  • Strategic analysis;
  • The formulation of strategies to assist businesses address the impact of COVID-19;
  • The development of business plans and governance frameworks; and
  • Advice on pivoting, diversification, product innovation, marketing or enhancing an online presence.

This support comes on top of the Tasmanian and Commonwealth Governments $70 million supercharged Business Support Package, which is already providing relief to those business operators impacted by the current border closures. More than $21 million in funding has already been distributed to more than 1300 businesses.

For full details about the new COVID-19 Small Business Advice and Financial Guidance program and to apply – go to:

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More Media Releases from the Minister for Small Business
