Stirling’s tunnel vision for Scarborough


The City of Stirling and the state government are still at odds on ways to combat traffic in Scarborough, with the council recently reaffirming its preference for a tunnel.

DevelopmentWA and Main Roads have proposed a 2km open trench along West Coast Highway in a bid to ease congestion in Scarborough.

The West Coast Highway planning study was recently out for public advertising and the feedback is currently under review.

The Stirling council voted at this week’s meeting to advise Main Roads that any study on the widening of the West Coast Highway road reservation to seek alternative options.

Stirling mayor Mark Irwin said the best option for the Scarborough area was for a tunnel, even if it would incur more costs and be more difficult to build.

“I would think this type of development isn’t far off a billion dollars,” he said.

“We’re still positive about it, for Main Roads to come up with a solution and while it’s not our preferred solution, right now at least it’s on the table.”

Main Roads spokesman Dean Roberts said they have consulted with the community over the proposed concept of a centrally located, three-lane lowered road.

“Impacts associated with a potential tunnel solution would be unacceptably high and Main Roads does not consider it is viable,” he said.

“Main Roads will continue to work with the city in finalising the planning study.

“This community consultation was carried out to understand community support for the concept, identify any issues and enable Main Roads to make appropriate recommendations to DevelopmentWA to amend the Scarborough Redevelopment Scheme and protect the land for the future planning concept.

“Land requirement recommendations for the concept will be made to DevelopmentWA.

The council resolution said community engagement on the long-term future of West Coast Highway should include details of all alternative transport and access options.

“The widening of the West Coast Highway road reservation should be informed by an Urban Design Study, in consultation with the City, to ensure the width of the road reservation is sufficient to accommodate alternative transport options, including a tunnel solution,” the resolution said.

“Any long-term transport and access solution for Scarborough should be agreed with the City of Stirling following a detailed analysis of alternative transport options, including a tunnel solution, to understand land requirements, construction methodologies, disruption during works and resultant social, economic and environmental impacts for Scarborough.”
