Tasmanian business wins again with extended Buy Local Policy – Premier of Tasmania


4 July 2022

Michael Ferguson, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Madeleine Ogilvie, Minister for Small Business

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is supporting local businesses to create jobs and stimulate the economy to deliver growth.

State Government agencies spend a considerable amount of taxpayer funds each year purchasing goods and services and undertaking work on behalf of the community.

The Tasmanian Liberal Government’s Buy Local Policy aims to increase opportunities for local suppliers to compete for Government business. The Policy was introduced in May 2014.

On 31 July 2020, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, we took swift action and made changes to the Buy Local Policy to increase support for Tasmanian businesses by replacing the local benefits test with an Economic and Social Benefits Test.

The weighting was increased from 20 per cent to 25 per cent of the total evaluation criteria in competitive procurements, for a two year period, to support local businesses and the local economic recovery.

We are very pleased to announce the weighting of 25 per cent will be extended for a further two years until 31 July 2024.

This will allow a continued focus on local suppliers and continued emphasis on local economic and social considerations in Government procurements.

In the nine months to 31 March 2022, Tasmanian businesses were awarded 86.2 per cent of contracts valued at $50,000 or more following an open procurement process. The total value of these contracts was $306.1 million.

These results demonstrate Tasmanian businesses have a high success rate when competing for Tasmanian Government contracts, with local small to medium businesses winning Government work in record numbers.

We will continue to support Tasmanian businesses and provide opportunities for businesses to effectively compete for Government business.

This is a positive outcome for local jobs and the Tasmanian economy and continues the Government’s focus on strengthening Tasmania’s future and delivering for all Tasmanians.

More Media Releases from Michael Ferguson

More Media Releases from the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
